Nyári sportok (A2)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. szeptember 26.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag a hidegfront előtti meleget visszasírva a nyáron is (vagy kifejezetten nyáron) űzhető sportokra koncentrál, valamint a mi gyönyörű magyar tengerünkre... Aki nem tudja, miről van szó, azért nézze meg - aki pedig igen, az meg azért! :)

Summer sports - Interactive module

Title What kind of sports can you do in the summer?
Language Speaking/Listening/Vocabulary
Level Pre-intermediate
Time needed 25-30 mins
What you can learn In this module, you can listen to a young man talking about what kind of sports you can do in the summer. You will meet lots of expressions connected to sports - we have created a vocabulary notebook with all these (top right corner) and this is what our interactive exercises focus on.
What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view the interactive exercise)

Microsoft Word (to download material as a handout)

Teacher's note

This is a listening lesson about the kind of sports one can do in the summer. Students are presented with a short recording, accompanied by a gist task and a more demanding specific task. There is a vocabulary notebook in the top right corner, in which we have collected all the useful expressions, which can be practiced in our learning game and quiz at the end of the module.

You can download the lesson as a handout (.doc) as well as an interactive module (.swf)

Download lesson

- You can download the lesson here. (.doc)

- You can download the interactive module here. (.swf)