Steve nagyon stresszes (B1)

Angolos ötletek - 2011. április 3.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag két munkatárs rövid beszélgetését tartalmazza - sok interaktív feladattal, egy flash prezentációval, játékkal meg mindennel. Elöljáróban csak annyit, hogy Steve eléggé kivan ...

Workig under stress - interactive module

Title Steve is stressed out - find out why!
Language Listening/Speaking/Vocabulary
Level Pre-intermediate/ Intermediate
Time needed 20-25 mins
What you can learn Listening: You are going to listen to two young Americans (colleagues) talking about stress at work and health. There are many interactive exercises and a presentation to help you learn a lot of useful words/expressions.
What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view the interactive exercise)

Acrobat Reader (to download material as a handout - .pdf)

Teacher's note

This material contains about 30 minutes worth of materials for an interactive lesson in the computer room. It can be more fun as it also includes a one-sided conversation where students have to read out (or recite from heart) the other half. It helps to practise rhythm and speed of natural English.

You can download the lesson as a handout (.pdf) as well as an interactive module (.swf)

Download lesson

- You can download the lesson here. (.pdf)

- You can download the interactive module here. (.swf)