Öregedő társadalom és bevándorlás - (C1/C2)

Angolos ötletek - 2012. július 28.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag nemzetközi példákon át Magyarországgal (is) foglalkozik. A téma a népesedéspolitika. Vajon mi lesz itt 50 év múlva? Mik a kihívások, illetve a lehetséges megoldások. Mindez rengeteg érvvel, vitafeladattal, interaktívan, vagy nyomtathatóan.


Immigration and racial stereotypes (interactive module)

Title This is a rather long and complex module on immigration, demography and racial stereotyping
Language Vocabulary/Reading/Culture/Speaking
Level Advanced
Time needed 40-45 mins
What you can learn

Reading: This module has a lot to offer, including several debate topics on immigration and how we should deal with an 'ageing society'. There is plenty of speaking, but also some articles to read and vocabulary to learn.

What you need on your computer

Microsoft Word (to view the lesson - in .doc format)

Macromedia Flash Player (to view the interactive module)

Teacher's note

This is a mimimum 45-minute lesson plan with varied exercises. It's challenging but interesting and useful - in more than one way!


Download lesson

- You can download the lesson here. (.doc)

- You can download the interactive module here, (.swf)