Ellopták az életemet (B1)

Angolos ötletek - 2011. április 3.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag egy amerikai nő esetét dolgozza fel, akinek ellpták az adatait, ezáltal gyakorlatilag tönkretették az életét. Honna derül ki, hogy már más tevékenydedik a nevünkben? Kiderül az interaktív tananyagból - kvízzel, jétákkal, hanganyaggal, szókinccsel!

Identity theft - interactive module

Title What happens when somebody steals your identity, your life and your personal data
Language Reading/Vocabulary/Listening
Level Pre-intermediate/Intermediate (B1)
Time needed 35-40 mins
What you can learn Listening: You are going to listen to the story of an American woman, whose identity was stolen. There are plenty of interactive exercises, quizzes and games to help you learn everything.
What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view the fully interactive module)

Microsoft Word (to view the lesson - in .doc format)

Teacher's note

This is a 45-minute long lesson based on a listening task. It is ideal for classroom use (make sure you can listen to the text in your computer room!).

NOTE: If you do not wish to do the interactive format, you can also download the lesson material in a .doc document)

Download lesson

- You can download the fully interactive lesson here. (.swf)

- You can download the material as a document here. (.doc)