Két vicces (ál)interjú (B2)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. november 4.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag két rövid, vicces álinterjút tartalmaz. Mindekettőt igen híres emberekkel maga Jay Leno készítette (vágta össze). Sok interaktív feladat tartozik a tananyaghoz, de azért az leginkább 15 perc kikapcsolódásra ideális - ilyen lenne, ha igazat mondanának a híres emberek :)

Two funny interviews - interactive module

Title Real interviews are fun, but fake interviews where you hear the people say what YOU think is true about them - cannot be beaten.
Language Vocabulary/Speaking/Listening/Fun
Level Intermediate + (B2)
Time needed 20-25 mins
What you can learn

Listening: There are two short and funny interviews by Jay Leno, the famous American showman. You will have to listen very carefully, but it's worth it. There are several interactive quizzes for this material.

Note: You can also download the material as a .doc document and do the exercises on paper.

What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view interactive material - .swf)

Microsoft Word (to download lesson material in .doc format)

Teachers' Note

This is a truly fun material for students who are interested in the goings-on of the world and actually know about the people in question (most likely they do know about them).

The interviews are not real interviews, they are edited to be funny. There is a short word formation quiz to do in the end - in 3 minutes!

Download lesson