Egy érdekes per - interaktív hanganyag (középhaladó+)

Angolos ötletek - 2011. április 3.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag egy érdekes (és nagyon ellentmondásos) per történetét dolgozza fel. Az eset Amerikában történt, egy hanganyag mutatja be, majd következik a vita! A hanganyagot egyszerre, majd kis részekben is meg lehet hallgatni, a téma adja magát. Garantáltan feldob egy 'bűn(üldözés)' órát, de érettségire készülve is kiválóan használható.

An interesting court case - listening and debate

Title Who is responsible? Listen to a controversial court case. What would you have done?
Language Vocabulary/Listeniing/Speaking (debate)
Level Upper-intermediate/Advanced
Time needed 30-35 mins
What you can learn

Listening: You are going to listen to a truly interesting court case in Pittsburgh. There is an interactive listening part as well as a debate and/or roleplay task.

NEW! The material is available in a totally cool interactive format now, complete with interactive quiz.

What you need on your computer

Acrobat Reader (to view the lesson - in .pdf format)

Macromedia Flash Player - to view interactive material (.swf)

Teacher's note

This material is enough for a 45-minute lesson with intermediate/upper intermediate students. There is an interactive guided listening task on a really interestig case - honestly! You can develop it later into a debate task or even a role play, depending on the class you are teaching.

Remember that you can still download the material as a handout for classroom use!

Download lesson

- You can download the lesson here. (.pdf)

- You can download the interactive flash module here. (.swf)