Apróságok a házban és körülötte (A2)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. szeptember 26.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

Rengeteg olyan dologgal vagyunk körülvéve, amelyeknek a nevét sem tudjuk, legalábbis angolul. Ki tudja például, hogy mi a poháralátét, vagy a vasalódeszka, netán a dugóhúzó angol megfelelője? Itt a remek alkalom, hogy mindezt megtanuljuk - ráadásul sok interaktív fejtörővel, feladattal, kvízzel, no és persze sok-sok képpel.

Things in and around the house

Title Learn the names of everything in the house
Language Vocabulary/Reading
Level Pre-intermediate (A2+)
Time needed 25-30 mins
What you can learn Vocabulary: There are 33 words/expressions for you to learn in this module - they are all about the house, mostly furniture but also you can learn what many little things are called - those things that you use every day but you don't know their names (e.g. do you know what 'poháralátét' is in English?
What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view the interactive exercise)

Miscosoft Word (to view material as a handout)

Teacher's note

This material is about the accessories in the house. There are 2 interactive vocabulary exercises in the interactive module. Everything is illustrated and neatly presented.

Download lesson

- You can download the interactive module here. (.swf)

- You can download the material as a handout here. (.doc)